Blue Luxury Investments (BLI) was formed in 2014 in Uganda with the vision of increasing impact investing into social businesses with the potential to make a profit. Over the course of four years, BLI worked to provide management, marketing and sales and financial expertise to businesses from diverse sectors of the economy including importation, agriculture, institutionally-led businesses, retail businesses, renewable energy and IT-related businesses. Beginning 2017 BLI decided it was time to start giving back to the community by getting involved in community projects to advance the sustainable development goals.
Expansion and Rebranding
After nearly five years of working on for-profit and social ventures, the management team felt it fitting to conduct a corporate restructuring that led to the establishment of a separate for-profit entity and a charitable trust. To reflect our repositioning and diversification of operations we have rebranded as BLI Global and BLI Global Capital respectively.
BLI Global
Originally registered in the UK, and now Headquartered and registered in the USA, BLI Global officially started operations in April 2018 with some of the very first projects around advocacy. Its flagship project “The Global Ambassador Program” widely referred to as the GAP propelled the organization’s profile to the global community and provided opportunities for young people around the world to participate on a local level and still feel connected to a global community. BLI Global received recognition from participating in the African Leadership Non-Profit Academy (funded by IREX US State Department and coordinated by Youth Rising) as well as the Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) fellowship coordinated by Youth Equality Center. One of the milestones for BLI Global came during our partnership with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) on the “Guinness World Record Climate Cards” that propelled us onto the global stage giving our ambassadors a cause with social impact to participate in. For 2019 we have increased our reach, expanding chapters into Bangladesh, Nepal, and the United States focusing on fundraising and project implementation in the areas of health, education and environment. To support our causes visit BLI Global.
BLI Global Capital
With nearly five years of operations and a combined 50 years of experience under our belt, the management team comprising Robert Horne and Maria Auma legally registered BLI Global Capital, headquartered in the US. BLI Global Capital is an investment firm currently raising a seed round of investments for three of our funds birthed from feedback received from our operations in the past four years working with investors and businesses. We are also actively generating revenue from our portfolio companies and lobbying for policy change and an enabling investment environment. The three funds include the Green Fund focused on clean and renewable innovations, the Gains Fund focused on quick-turn around investments and the Growth Fund investing in long-term deals. We are optimistic about our strategic growth and look forward to increasing impact-driven investments into emerging markets working with governments, private sector and investors. We have existing partnerships and networks with family offices, funds of funds and ultra-high net-worth individuals in Europe, Australia and the US providing deal flow opportunities and thus we encourage submission of viable investment ventures to be showcased at some of these elite events. We also invite investors to take a look at our portfolio and bid towards businesses that pique their interest. You are welcome to visit us at BLI Global Capital and we invite you to subscribe to one of our funds or get in touch with us to broker deal sourcing partnerships.